
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

我在苏美。阴晴不定~Day 3 超棒的晚餐


前面忘了提一件趣事。。。居住期间,我们的房间来了一位不速之客!有一次林子一打开衣橱就看到一只大Gekko,吓得‘噼啪’一声把橱门关上。哈哈。。幸好发现的不是我,不然我肯定喊到好像火烧屋那样!!过后要出门时我们就告诉柜台小姐快快把Gekko请出去。她立刻派一个男员工到房间捉Gekko。终于解决了。。。晚上睡觉可以安心了~~~ 我想对酒店人员来说山林里有Gekko并不出奇。。。看他们那么拿手捉就知道了~~

Monday, December 27, 2010



我在苏梅。阴晴不定~Day 3 人间天堂


Thursday, December 23, 2010

我在苏梅。 阴晴不定~Day 3 出海啰!!


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

我在苏梅。阴晴不定~Day 2 冷清清的Mae Haad Village

睁开眼睛四周昏暗的,我知道时间不早了啦。。。有点懊恼浪费了那么多粒钟,可是刚才疲倦嘛。。。看!我现在不是充完电,可以出去玩了嘛!把林子摇醒来。梳洗后我们爬到大厅跟柜台小姐要德士。本来到Sairee Bay是150B的,可是今晚我们打算到Mae Haad Bay,就是早上码头那一区。那里比较远,要300B。又是早上那部车那个人载我们去的。 车停在一间DVD店前。一下车,我就立刻打开地图看因为根本分不清东南西北。

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

我在苏梅。阴晴不定~Day 2 山林里的酒店



Tuesday, December 14, 2010

我在苏梅。阴晴不定~Day 2 恐怖的船行


天空开始飘起毛毛细雨,那些 ‘阳’人赶紧跑来亭子躲雨。林子有点肚子饿了,买了一个杯面吃,我也吃几口过瘾。没一会儿,雨又停了。今天苏梅岛的天气怪怪的,还好我们要前往龟岛了哦!

我在苏梅。阴晴不定~Day 2 Good Morning~~


我在苏梅。阴晴不定~Day 1 渔人村walking street






Monday, December 13, 2010

我在苏梅。阴晴不定~Day 1 >RM100的房间


Friday, December 10, 2010

我在苏梅。阴晴不定~Day 1 渔人村

好像不到15分钟吧。。我们就被放在渔人村Fisherman Village的入口。下车拿行李时就问司机大哥Sunday Sanctuary 是往哪个方向。司机遥指红绿灯,左转。林子就说好像不远罢了嘛。所以我们先进去渔人村医肚子。





Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Record 08/12/10: Koh Samui

The rain didn't stop the whole Yesterday. We went to a massage shop near the resort to enjoy 2 hours foot & thai massage. The staff there told us that it has been rain for 3 days 3 nights.....=_=||| scary man.... >_<" We never experience such 'long life' rain before.

In the afternoon, we tried to ride motorbike to Lamai area which is on the left side of our resort......Half way, we meet with flood, all the car jam there, no way to cross it. We have to turn back to chaweng and ride to the right side of our resort.......again... we block by another flood. We were so upset because we have no choice but return to resort to have our lunch. Luckily the food taste better than I imagine.

After lunch, we went back to our villa. Richard decided to sleep and i watch TV. At night, we went out to look for dinner. It was still raining. Our destination is Bang Po, an area which is around 20 to 30 minutes from Chaweng. After dinner, we found that the rain start to stop. We were so happy and hope that tomorrow will have sunny day like what weather forecast shows. We reach hotel at 11pm.

This morning we woke up at 6am, the weather was good. We quickly snap some photos at the beach before having breakfast. Later we were heading to Lamai area to visit  "Hin Ta Hin Yai" which mean the mother & father's stone. The sea water there were so clear. I bet it can compatible with Nang Yuan sea water. We spend around half hour there and ride back to Chaweng again. We stopped at Iyara Resort. The shops there not yet open. We just walked to the beach behind it. The sea water looks dirty since it was raining and flooding Yesterday. We enjoy our last foot massage at the beach. It was so relax while being massage and enjoy the sound of wave. After Massage, we ate our lunch at E-ssan restaurant which was famous for grilled pork neck and chicken wings.

11.30am, we returned the motorbike and walk back to resort. We took bath and pack all the belongings. When we checked out from hotel, the taxi driver was waiting us at lobby. 12.30pm, We were heading to Samui Airport. The rain started again. The airpot is very near, we reached there within 20 minutes time. It was too early because our flight has been delayed from 2.20pm to 2.55pm.

We reach Subang airport at 5.30pm. My brother in law picked us up and sent us back to home. That time KL was raining too.......

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Record 07/12/10: Koh Samui

We back to Samui again Yesterday after breakfast.

The weather at Koh Tao start to turn bad, it rains from 11pm midnight and didn't seem to stop even we leave Koh Tao at 9.30am. When we arrived Samui, it was also raining.

We were transfer to Samui Resotel Resort at Chaweng beach. Upon arrival, we had been served with green colour welcome drinks and two cold towel. The receptionist told us that they had upgrade our room so that we no need to change room on 2nd day. My initial booking was 1st night at superior seaview  room  while another night at Pool Access Villa.

The villa was very comfortable and beautiful. My hubby especially love it. The first thing we did was enjoyed the 2 person Jacuzzi. Hahaaa......^_^ This was also the only thing we can do since it is still raining!

The rain didn't really stop, it has rain more than 24 hours.........
However, it still can't stop us from renting motorbike and riding out to look for delicios food. We even ride to Tesco Lotus to shop at night.

This morning we woke up at 7am something, hoping to see the clear sky. To our dissapointment, it still rain. After having breakfast, we decided to stay in the resort to enjoy the facilities like internet, library, gym room and with the hope of the rain will go away soon.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Record 06/12/10:Koh Tao

We came back from Snorkeling tour around 5pm. We had 4 snorkelling destination in this tour, the most enjoyable was the Nang Yuan island. It is a combination of three small little islands and the sea water is so clear. There was a lof of fishes even we can't swim too far. We tried hard to snap some photo inside the water.

We came back to resort with tired body. Our hands and legs were so pain. I wonder it was due to snorkellig or the 100 steps from resort lobby to our room that we climb up and down everyday. After took bath, we decided to call for taxi to Sairee Village. We were eager for body massage. This time we tried Oil Massage that cost us 350B/pax/hour.

After that, we walk around Sairee village. There were a lot of nice restaurant along the beach. Although the ambient was very nice and almost all restaurant was full of people, my hubby still decided not to have dinner there because the food was more to western dishes.

Again, we had to call Taxi to send us to Cabana Hotel. This hotel has a very nice restuarant 'Ram Lae' on the beach. The food and the scenary recieved good comment from some forumer. No surprise, We love this place. That night We had the best food so far in this trip.^^

Around 9.30pm, we called Taxi back to our resort and slept at 10pm something. Before sleep, I still need to massage my painful legs with the lemon grass lotion I found in the room. >_<"

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Record 05/12/10: Koh Tao

Today is the third day of our trip. At this moment, we are at Koh Tao Thipmiwarn resort.

Yesterday after breakfast, we took boat to Koh Tao. Never imagine that it will be such a tough jorney. Even though i had ate the medicine half hour before the boat, i still thrown out 5 minutes before we arrived the pier. I really do not willing to think about the journey back to Koh Samui after 2 days.

The staff from Thipwimarn resort was waiting at pier when we arrived. He directly sent us back to resort together with another two western guests. After checked in and had the welcome drinks, we felt better. The sea view at the resort was stunning. Although I not yet truly recover from the discomfort but it can't stop me from shooting the view. At last,We decided to have our lunch and rest in resort.

We woke up when the sky start to turn dark, it was 7pm something. We went to Mae Had Village to walk around and look for dinner. The village was a bit quiet due to raining season. We ate western food at Cafe Del sol. The most important thing that we have to do is we need to book the snorkelling tour for tommorrow.

This morning, we had our buffet breakfast at 7.10am. We are waiting at lobby for the snorkelling tour van to pick us up now. Our tour today is from 8.30am until 4pm. One of the destination will be Koh Nang Yuan, we will have 2 hours there.

This few days, the weather looks good!! Rains only happened at midnight. Hopefully the good weather will continuos for few more days. :>

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Record 04/12/10: koh samui trip

I am now using internet at The Sunday Sanctuary Resort at Bohput. Today is our 2nd day in Samui. Although yesterday night we back from Fisherman Village Friday walking street at 11.30pm, we still woke up so early this morning 7.30am(Malaysia Time) and hardly get back to sleep again.

We decided to walk around hotel and drive motorcycle to look for breakfast. The external floor were wet, i think it was raining yesterday midnight. Hopefully today will be sunny day. We will take Lomphayah boat to Koh Tao 12.30pm. The receptionist said normally the pick up time is 10.45am at hotel. we have to back to hotel before this time.

ok. breakfast time! :>

Thursday, December 2, 2010


