
Monday, August 16, 2010


表姐刚刚定了机票,来年的新年全家到台湾游玩,差不多有六个人吧(呵。。好恐怖~~)。知晓林子和我有台湾自助游的经验,就向我们要行程参考。我说当然没问题。打开电脑找来找去,还上到部落格翻找。。才发现自己从来没有收录在里面。(莫名其妙!不是什么都爱收在部落格的吗?!)重新在电脑的旧档案里找了又找,终于找到了!!幸好没有被多手的我删除掉。 不然下一步就要在背包客栈的聊天室里‘翻箱倒柜’,寻找之前放上去给前辈们指导的行程。。那还不是最新的行程呢。。。

22/01 Day 1: Photo refer to my FB “~My Honeymoon~”
7.30-8.30 Cab to LCCT
8.30-10.00 Check in (we use web check in since we dun have check in luggage)+breakfast(KFC)
10.00-3.00 Flight to 桃园机场
3.00-4.00 Arrival + exchange currency+ apply travel card + take 宝贝机+ buy bus ticket
(We brought USD from Malaysia to exchange TWD in Taiwan airport bank. The best rate and best way we know so far. Malaysia exchange rate for TWD is not nice. Don’t exchange outside Taiwan airport, coz it is not just very hard to find currency shop and there is no legal currency shop accept bank. Bank outside airport will have higher charges.)

Reference info :



(宝贝机-can borrow HP in Taiwan, more info refer http://tour.youthtravel.tw/travel2009/1210.php?forewordID=149&secureChk=65a4329bf051310bfb2fcee77008f432)

4.00-5.00 bus to 忠孝复兴站
5.00-5.30 Check in住宅管家
Test the 卤味stall outside 住宅管家 while on the way to take MRT
5.30-6.00 MRT to 后山碑站
6.00-8.00 eat lunch
(金峰鲁肉饭)& shopping at 五分浦 (we bought a lot of clothes here)
8.00-10.30 饶河街夜市+彩虹桥夜景 (we were too tired. The night market too big, don’t know where is the bridge)
10.30-11.00 back to Hotel (by bus)
Late night Took bath and came out to search for food again around hotel.

23/01 Day 2: Photo refer to my FB “~My Honeymoon~”
8.00-8.30 wake up
8.30-9.30 breakfast
(Taiwanese breakfast shop near hotel)
9.30-10.00 MRT to 台北站
10.00-10.30 buy train ticket for tomorrow
10.30-12.30 台北地下街,台北后车站
(too early, the shop only started open at 11am.)
Before shop open Walk walk around Taipei station (interior & exterior).
12.30-1.30 lunch at台北地下街(台北女仆café)
1.30-2.30 MRT to 淡水站
2.30-3.30 淡水老街 (many many people….we had lunch there & bought 手信too)
3.30-4.30 boat to 渔人码头,情人桥 (super duper cold, strong wind)
4.30-6.00 情人桥日落,走走
6.00-7.30 boat to 淡水,MRT to 剑潭站
7.30-9.00 士林夜市
9.00-11.00 free bus to 美丽华,supper at 伍角船板
(food stop serving at 9pm or 10pm, we just managed to snap photo and walk around)
Walk walk美丽华(shopping center) & snap photo with 摩天轮.
11.00-11.30 MRT direct to 忠孝复兴站,back hotel.
On the way back, packed 卤味and ate in hotel.
Late Night - washing & drying clothes at a shop below the hotel (First time used this type of facilities, so excited~ but it wasted nearly 2 hours time!We had to wait there to keep an eye on the clothes!)

24/01 Day 3: Photo refer to my FB “~My Honeymoon 2~”
6.00-7.00 wake up, check out+ breakfast
7.00-7.30 MRT to 台北站
+ Cityinn Hotel to keep luggage + breakfast (packed opposite city inn hotel)
7.30-8.45 train to 新竹
8.45-9.10 train to 竹东 accidently stop at wrong station, we direct took bus to竹东, cheaper and faster~
9.15-9.45 train to 内湾
10.30-11.45 内湾老街+ lunch
11.45-12.30 free car to 薰衣草森林
12.30-2.30 薰衣草森林+ tea time
2.30-3.00 free car back to 内湾
(we left the camera tripod at薰衣草森林, so we had to wait for 2 hours at内湾. the car driver will help us to deliver the tripod. This lead to the whole schedule of the day delayed.)
3.30-5.00 train to 竹东,bus to 新竹
5.20-6.40 train to 台中太原站 (We simply take the fastest train, no seat for us, just stand until destination~)
6.45-7.00 bus/teksi to 秘密旅行 (reach 台中at 7pm, we gave up秘密旅行, too rush)
7.00-8.00 Dinner at 秘密旅行(booked but gave up)
8.00-8.30 bus to 朝马站
8.30-9.00 check in璽朵汽车旅馆
(some miscommunication and we missed the pre-book check in time. The room we request had been rent out. But we got the free upgrade of room~!)
9.00-9.30 Bus/taxi/walk to 逢甲夜市9.30-11.30 逢甲夜市+dinner at 拉面shop
11.30-12.00 back to motel (by taxi)
Enjoy the hotel~~~~~~

25/01 Day 4: Photo refer to my FB “~My Honeymoon 2~”
7.30-8.30 wakeup & breakfast by motel
8.30-9.00 bus/taxi to 台中高铁站
9.34-10.18 high speed train to 左营站
(ticket booked online, time fixed)
10.30-12.30 car to 垦丁大街(booked together with accommodation)
12.30-1.30 lunch + rent motorbike (the driver directly sent us to the motorbike rental shop. Later we drove to have lunch ourselves at 垦丁大街, Thai food!)
PS: With international license only tourist can rent & ride motorbike there. (RM150 to get one international license in Malaysia)
1.30-2.30 check in 伯利恒民宿at 船帆石
2.30-5.30 motorbike 趴趴走-后湾,鹅銮鼻公园,台湾最南点
5.30-8.00 垦丁大街+夜市+ dinner at 田园德式小餐馆
rain start after we back from台湾最南点
8.00-10.00 出火+ 沙滩小酒馆 still raining, we bought rain coat at 7-11 and had dinner at seafood restaurant near homestay
10.00-10.30 back to homestay

26/01 Day 5: Photo refer to my FB “~My Honeymoon 3~”
8.00-8.30 wakeup + breakfast at homestay
8.30-10.00 船帆石+香蕉湾
10.30-12.30 恒春镇-古城门+木屐王+小杜包子+lunch at 蓝色海遇(we spent a lot of time to search for蓝色海遇 as I forgot to print out the map. Finally we bought a map at a book shop.)
12.00-1.00 寻找满洲花海 (no flower….)
1.00-3.00 海生馆 (time delay)
3.00-4.30 check in 四重溪温泉馆 (time delay)
4.30-6.00 关山日落
6.00-8.00 Free time+dinner enjoy
6.00-8.00 hotel +温泉
8.00-9.30 drive back to恒春to have lunch at 猪本家+booked taxi to左营站for tomorrow

27/01 Day 6 Photo refer to my FB “~My Honeymoon 4~”
8.00-8.30 Wakeup & breakfast (my body started to give signal of sick)
8.30-9.30 back to 垦丁大街return motor
9.30-11.30 taxi to 左营站
11.30-2.00 high speed train back to 台北站
2.00-3.00 check in Cityinn Hotel
(requested for earlier check in)
3.00-5.30 Rest at hotel (sick….ate medicine)
Wokeup, ate饺子at 八方云集while walk to 西门町
5.30-8.00 西门町-西门町阿宗面线+服饰街+ 西门新宿+ 万年大楼 + 红楼剧院 (felt sick again, no mood to walk, buy nothing there)
8.00-8.15 MRT to 电台大楼站
8.15-10.00 师大夜市
10.00-11.30 师大露台café 街
11.30-12.00 back to hotel
(the rest of schedule canceled due to my weak body! Arhhhhhhh…)
Slept earlier....

28/01 Day 7 Photo refer to my FB “~My Honeymoon 4~”
8.30-9.00 Wake up
9.00 -10.00 breaksfast outside
(a famous soya bean & ‘Cha kuih’ shop at 善导寺station there)
10.00-11.30 国父纪念馆 (my body still weak, walk 5 minutes need to rest 5 minutes more….)
While walk to 101, we passed by a morning market, saw a shop selling 福州食物, we gave it a try.
Saw the 微笑单车, so excited! We rent 2 bicycle, ride till 101. I started to recover from sick, yahoo~~
(Reference info: http://www.youbike.com.tw/default.aspx)

11.30-2.00 101 大厦 + 新光三越 + 纽约纽约 + 东区地下街 + 路边摊Continue riding to MRT station after came out from shopping center …we enjoy the ride…
MRT back 台北地下街bought some shoes.
Back to Cityinn hotel, packed luggage and keep with hotel and checkout.

2.00-4.00 bus direct to 九份 took train to 瑞芳站
Lunch opposite瑞芳站(鲁肉饭)
Bus to 九份

4.00-6.00 check in 老舍民宿
6.00-7.00 walk walk, eat eat at 九份 (try the famous 芋丸)7.00-9.00 阿妹茶馆
9.00-10.00 back to home stay

29/01 Day 88.30-9.00 wake up
9.00-10.00 breakfast
10.00-11.00 walk walk 九份
11.00-12.00 take train Back to 台北站
Collected luggage at Cityinn, bought bus ticket
12.00-1.00 take bus to 桃园机场 (Gosh! need to take a long queue to check in!)
Had lunch in airport (my apetite so good!)
3.40-8.50 flight back to LCCT (flight delay for a while)


小青蛙 said...


小青蛙 said...


Yan said...

我们没有很多时间哦,就一天晚上在台中,可是该享受的都享受了,呵呵。 时间是短了点,总算见识了台中有名的汽车旅馆~
你们上次在汽车旅馆待了多久呢?爹日安没有那么早check out 吧?



小青蛙 said...
